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Делюсь переводом песни "Дорогою добра" из кинофильма "Маленький Мук"

1/ we are asking often

The life what way to go

Where it is better on a journey to set off

After the sun you go!

Although the way’s unknown

So go, my friend, and always choose the path of purity

2/ Forget about your worries,

Victories and losses.

Do not complain that destiny can treat you as a foe!

But if your friend’s in trouble

Do not rely on wonders

So hurry up and always choose the path of purity!

3/There will be many doubts

And different temptations

Do not forget that our life is not a childish game

Fight back all the temptations

And learn this lesson better

So go, my friend, and always choose the path of purity

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